Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.

1. How do I get started?

Becoming a member means you can start bidding straight away for Timed Online Auctions and Simulcast Auctions

After you register, you can place an online bid at any time during an Auction. Most Online Auctions last 7 days, and Simulcast Auctions are live as it happens from anywhere in Australia – the magic of technology!

We believe trust goes both ways for Buyers and Sellers. As part of this, we require Credit Card information when you register. We will deduct a refundable amount of $0.01 from your card to verify, prior to allowing you to bid.

2. What can I see?

After you become a member, click on the Auctions link at the top of the page to check out what we have on offer right now. Members can browse catalogues for Online Auctions and Simulcast Auctions.

3. How does Bidding work?

The bidding processes are slightly different for Online and Simulcast Auctions:

Online Auctions

Once our catalogue goes ‘live’ you normally have 7 days to bid. You can enter a Max Auto Bid as long as it is higher than the current bid, or simply click ‘Bid’ and the system will place the next minimum bid automatically for you. You can see when your item closes with a handy live countdown timer; the Auctions close item-by-item, following in numerical lot order.

Simulcast Auctions

These Auctions are live from anywhere in Australia; so you can choose to bid Online through the bidding system, or attend the auction to bid in person. Online bids are processed in real time so you must be listening well and ready to press ‘Bid’ or you might miss out.

Always make sure you double check the Auctions ‘Description’ and ‘Terms & Conditions’ tabs as these may change from Auction to Auction. That way there are no nasty surprises when the invoice arrives!

4. If I win an Auction bid?

Congratulations! Winning an Auction is a great feeling! When you win an Online Auction, you will receive an email from the system confirming you are the highest bidder. Alternatively, you can check all your winning bids in the ‘My Items’ section.

If you win an item in an Auction you will be notified via email with a finalised invoice from our office.

5. How do I pay?

Once an Auction has closed, any lots that you have won will appear in the ‘My Items/Items Won’ tab.  An invoice will be emailed to you the following day with the option to pay online via Credit Card, Cash, EFT or EFTPOS.

We’ve made it as simple as possible, so you can get your goodies as quickly as possible. Just remember; payment terms are generally 48 hours after which you will get a friendly reminder call from our office.

6. How do I collect my items?

The location of items will be identified in each Auction. Please make sure to double-check where your items are being held, as they could be located anywhere in Australia. It is up to the Buyer to collect the items within the allotted collection period, which can be anywhere from 2 days to 7 days. After that time; your items are considered to be unwanted and abandoned – and nobody wants that!

Enjoy your new items and we hope to see you again soon!

7. Errors and Support

While we have done our very best to bring you the most easy-to-use, and up-to-date Auction System available.  Due to the nature of Web-Based Software, we may experience technical difficulties from time to time.

Our Auction Support Staff are available from 9am – 4pm Monday to Friday, and can be reached on or (03) 9687 4955.

If you are experiencing an error, or are unable to bid for any reason (once you have logged in), please refresh your Browser and clear your Cache. We have included a handy guide to assist you with this process (as follows):

Google Chrome

Step 1. Click on the three dashes in the top right corner.

Step 2. Click on settings in the menu.

Step 3. Click on History in the menu on the left.

Step 4. Click on Clear browsing data.

Step 5. Select Empty the cache from the list.

Step 6. Click on Clear browsing data on the bottom. Your browser cache is now empty.


Step 1. Navigate to the Toolbar in the top left corner.

Step 2. Select Tools in the toolbar, and click on Options in the sub-menu.

Step 3. Click on Advanced

Step 4. Click on the Network tab.

Step 5. Click on Clear Now in the Cached Web Content section.


Step 1. Press the ALT-key, when the menu-bar on top of the screen isn’t visible.

Step 2. Click on Edit in the menu-bar.

Step 3. Click on Empty Cache… in the menu.

Step 4. Click on Empty in the pop-up box.

Internet Explorer

Step 1. Click on the gear wheel in the top right corner.

Step 2. Click on Safety in the menu

Step 3. Click on Delete browsing history in the sub-menu

Step 4. Select Temporary Internet files and website files from the list

Step 5. Click on Delete

Step 6. At the bottom of the page, the browser will notify you when the browser cache is cleared

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